Professional motivation and satisfaction of Mexican
elementary school EFL teachers in a context of reform: A phenomenological study
La motivación y la
satisfacción profesional de los profesores de inglés en la educación primaria mexicana;
Un estudio fenomenológico
Ruth Roux[1]
This qualitative study used phenomenological methodology to
examine the self-reported levels of teaching motivation and professional
satisfaction of five teachers of the National English Program for elementary schools
in Mexico. The EFL teachers worked for urban and rural schools, had different
levels of English proficiency and variable number of years of experience. Data
came from a series of interviews held during a period of six months. Data analysis captured four themes related to
motivation: English teaching, students, schools and colleagues; and three
themes associated with professional satisfaction: working conditions, the
status of the profession, and professional development opportunities. Results
indicated that although teachers had good collegial relation-ships they found
their profession as stressful and demotivating in terms of school facilities, lack
of appropriate materials to support the curriculum, wages and job security.
Their dissatisfaction came from teaching in multiple schools, and the lack of
local affordable and meaningful development opportunities.
Keywords: teacher motivation, teacher satisfaction, EFL teachers,
language policy, basic education.
estudio cualitativo empleo metodología fenomenológica para examinar los niveles
auto-reportados de motivación para la enseñanza y satisfacción profesional de
cinco docentes del Programa Nacional de Inglés para escuelas primarias en México.
Las docentes de inglés como lengua extranjera trabajaban en escuelas rurales y urbanas,
tenían diferentes niveles de dominio del inglés y numero variable de años de
experiencia. De los datos emergieron cuatro temas relacionados con la
motivación: la docencia del inglés, los estudiantes, las escuelas y los
colegas; y tres temas asociados con la satisfacción profesional: las
condiciones laborales, el estatus de la profesión, y las oportunidades de
desarrollo profesional. Los resultados indicaron que aun cuando las docentes
tenían buenas relaciones con sus colegas, percibían su profesión como estresante
y desmotivante en lo relacionado a la infraestructura escolar, la falta de
materiales de enseñanza apropiadas para la puesta en práctica del currículo, los
sueldos y la seguridad del empleo. Su insatisfacción profesional fue atribuida
a la enseñanza en múltiples escuelas y la falta de oportunidades locales, asequibles y
significativas de desarrollo profesional.
clave: motivación del docente, satisfacción del
docente, profesores de inglés como segunda lengua, reforma educativa, educación
In 2018, the
Mexican Government, through the Secretariat of Public Education, launched the
National English Strategy, formulated by Cambridge Assessment. Its aim is to
transform Mexico into a bilingual country in twenty years’ time (SEP, 2017).
All Mexican EFL teachers will be required to demonstrate their professional
preparation not only to teach English as a second language, but also, to use
English as a medium to teach content courses, from preschool to higher
education. One of the biggest challenges for the successful implementation of
the English language education policy has to do with the motivation of teachers
to develop professionally and to achieve the desired learning results in
students. Research has shown that teachers experience reforms as overload, complexity
and tension (Bell & Stevenson, 2006; Lingham, Lingham & Sharma, 2017),
which may affect their motivation. Another challenge is the strong emphasis of
reforms on teacher evaluation. Teacher evaluation increases stress and decreases
satisfaction (Ford, Clark, Fazio-Brunson & Schween, 2017; Jiang, Sporte &
Luppescu, 2015).
This article
presents a phenomenological study aimed at examining the self-reported levels
of motivation and satisfaction of five elementary school EFL teachers. The re-search
questions were: (1) How motivated are teachers of the National English Language
Program? (2) How satisfied are teachers as EFL professionals?
The following
sections will provide an overview of the English language education policy
since 2009; the concepts and research findings related to teacher motivation
and satisfaction; the characteristics and results of a qualitative study; and
the implications of the study for professional development and policy
implementation. The National English Strategy
The Mexican
educational system has been slowly incorporating English language learning into
the curriculum for almost 90 years. In 1925, English became part of the newly
established secondary education. At that time, English was taught to elementary
school students only in private schools. In 1992, Mexico decentralized its
education system and the 31 states were given autonomy over their education
system, which resulted in the inclusion of English in public elementary
education in some states. In the state in which this study took place, English
was gradually incorporated into elementary education since 1999. Although
education was decentralized, the Secretariat of Public Education continued
establishing norms and regulations and in 2009 implemented a policy for all
states to develop English language competencies in preschool, elementary and secondary
education under the title of National English Program for Basic Education
(NEPBE). The aim of the NEPBE was to develop the necessary multilingual and
multicultural competencies “to successfully face the communicative challenges
of a globalized world, to build a broader vision of the linguistic and cultural
diversity of the world, and thus, to respect their own and other cultures” (SEP,
While previous
programs had a communicative, functional approach to language, the NEPBE
started to promote a sociocultural and linguistic approach. Rather than reflecting
on language and analyzing grammar, students are required to develop learning
products through being, knowing and doing with English. The program was
designed with the advice of the Center for the Teaching of Languages of the
Faculty of Higher Studies Acatlán, at the National Autonomous University of
Mexico (UNAM). The NEPBE stated off with serious difficulties and some studies
attributed its failure, among other things, to the lack of the necessary
academic preparation of teachers (Alcántar-Díaz, Navarro-Téllez &
Moreno-Villalbazo, 2014; Romero, Irigoyen & Grijalva, 2012; Sayer, Mercau
& López, 2013).
In an attempt to
better regulate and organize the NEPBE, in 2015 the Office of Curriculum
Development at SEP changed the name to National English Program or PRONI, an
acronym for Programa Nacional de Inglés (DOF: 29/12/2017; Mejía-Bricaire,
2017). PRONI was formulated with the objective of strengthening the learning and
teaching of English as a second language in public education from preschool to
sixth grade. To achieve the objective, the program devised the following
actions: establishing technical and pedagogical conditions; supporting local
education authorities with the production and distribution of educational
materials; providing international certifications in English competence and
teaching methodology for teachers; and promoting international certifications
for students.
The National
English Program is mandatory in rural and urban schools, throughout the basic
education system, from third grade of preschool to third year of secondary
school (ten years). However, the number of hours of English is different
depending on the type of school. Locally, the program coordination refers to
this difference as “dosage”. Students in
morning and afternoon part-time schools take 150 minutes of English classes per
week. Students in extended schools take three 60-minute sessions of English per
week (180 minutes).
Students in
full-time school programs take English in five 60-minute sessions from Mon-day
to Friday (300 minutes). To compensate 453 rural and difficult-to-access
schools in the state, students in those schools are grouped from grades 1st to
3rd and from 4th to 6th, to take an additional session of two hours and 30
minutes per week.
This English
language education program is part of the neoliberal policies prevailing in public
education worldwide (Harvey, 2005). Embraced by all political views, these policies
protect the interests of large private corporations. Among the characteristics
of neoliberal reforms are: a high reliance on student testing and teacher
evaluations systems; an intensification of work and a widening scope of teacher
responsibilities; a scripted “what works” conception of teaching that
diminishes professional judgement; an educational environment that reduces
collaboration and forces competition; a commercialization of teaching through
an education industry; and a separation between the conception and the
execution of teaching tasks (Holborow, 2012; Ross & Gibson,2006). Market-based
educational reforms not only shape public education; they also determine teachers’
understanding of them-selves as professionals (Anderson & Cohen, 2015).In
such a context, it becomes relevant to inquire into EFL teachers’ motivation to
teach and satisfaction with teaching conditions.
motivation: Concept and findings
Teacher motivation
refers to the reasons, which emerge from an individuals’ intrinsic values, to
become a teacher and to continue in the teaching profession. The intensity of teacher motivation is
indicated by the effort expended on teaching, influenced by contextual factors
(Han & Yin, 2016). Teacher motivation has also been conceptualized as
self-determination (Roth, Assor, Kanat-Maymon & Kaplan (2007), enthusiasm
(Kunter, Frenzel, Nagy, Baumert & Pekrun 2011), passion for teaching (Carbonneau,
Vallerand, Fernet & Guay 2008), and self-efficacy (Holzberger, Philipp &
Kunter 2013). Teacher motivation is an important issue for researchers and education
policy makers because it affects what teachers do and what students learn.
Research has explored
the various intrinsic factors that influence the motivation of individuals to
become language teachers. Some enter the profession because in their previous
language learning experiences they used their aptitudes and produced rewarding
achievements (Hayes, 2008). Others observed that their teachers enjoyed
teaching and this made them think that they would also enjoy it (Warford &
Reeves, 2003). Still others feel the need to contribute to society by sharing the
language skills they possess (Koran, 2015), or they simply like English
language strongly (Wong, Tango & Cheng, 2014). Extrinsic factors such as
prestige (Erten, 2014), material benefits and job stability (Gao & Xu,
2014; Koran, 2015), and the pressure of family members or other significant
figures to join the profession (Kim & Kim, 2015), also influence language teachers’
career decisions.
Once they become
language teachers, their motivation comes from their ongoing experiences and
contextual factors. Language teachers appear to be more motivated when they find the proper conditions to use the
teaching methods and learning materials they prefer (Kumazawa, 2013), and when
they have autonomy to make classroom decisions (Hettiarachchi, 2013; Tsutsumi,
2014). They can also be positively motivated when their abilities and efforts
are recognized by students’ parents (Yuan & Zhang, 2017), and when their
profession is valued by students, parents and the wider community (Hettiarachchi,
2013). Certainly, good wages, job security and pension plans motivate language
teachers to remain in their jobs (Gao & Xu, 2014). Motivated teachers are generally
more supportive of progressive educational reforms and programs because they
permanently improve their practice and make efforts to implement innovations
(Sahakyan, Lamb & Chambers, 2018).
Some contextual
conditions have a negative impact on the motivation of language teachers. Relationships
with unsupportive, uninterested and unqualified colleagues have shown to demotivate
teachers (Erkaya, 2013; Hettiarachchi, 2013). Oppressive school cultures (Khani
& Mirzaee, 2015) or exaggerated amountsof paperwork and extra classroom responsibilities
are also demotivating factors (Kim, Kim & Zhang, 2014; Kumazawa, 2013; Ruohotie-Lyhty,
2013). Continuous curriculum changes and lack of materials that support
curriculum implementation have been found to demotivate EFL teachers as well
(Habibi, Sofwan & Mukminin, 2016). Despite the recognized importance of
motivation, teachers in general, are among the most motivationally challenged
professionals in all countries (Bennell & Akyeampong, 2007). Studies on
teacher motivation in developing countries indicate decreasing levels of
motivation resulting in lower quality of education due to heavy workloads,
large class sizes, multiple teaching shifts and grade levels, low and irregular
payments, lack of social respect for teachers, few or no opportunities for
professional development, poor management, unclear and constantly changing
policies, no opportunities to participate in management and policy making, and
lack of or poor teaching materials and
facilities (Iliya & Ifeoma, 2015).
satisfaction: Concept and findings
Satisfaction is
a teachers’ appraisal of the extent to which the work environment fulfills his
or her needs or requirements. Evans (2001) defines satisfaction as “a state of
mind encompassing all those feelings determined by the extent to which the
individual perceives her/his job related needs to being met”. High levels of
teacher satisfaction have been found to positively influence the quality of
teaching as well as students’ self-esteem and performance. Dissatisfaction, on
the other hand, is a negative feeling toward a job, related to disadvantageous
outcomes (Afshar & Dootsi, 2016).
Teacher motivation
and job satisfaction are different but linked constructs since one influences
the other. To distinguish them, one may think of motivation as an innate stimulus
or drive that inspires teachers to act in particular contexts, while
satisfaction is the result of an action in a particular context. Research has found that teacher satisfaction
is influenced by diverse factors intrinsic to teaching, operating at school
level, and operating at the wider system level (Dinham & Scott, 1998, 2000;
Zembylas & Papanastasiou, 2004).
intrinsic to teaching associated with teacher satisfaction include: working
with and for young people, taking intellectual challenges, working with
autonomy and independence, and having opportunities to try new ideas (Karavas,
2010). Factors at the school level
related to teacher satisfaction are: school climate (Aldridge & Fraser,
2016), positive school relationships (Veldman, Van-Tartwijk, Brekelmans &
Wubbels, 2013), and positive leadership (Ghavifekr & Pillali, 2016).
Factors that impact teacher satisfaction coming from the educational system,
the wider social context and the government are: community’s opinion of
teachers, the image of teachers portrayed in the media, the level of support by
the system to implement curriculum changes (Zembylas & Papanastasiou,
In general,
context seems to be the most powerful predictor of overall teacher satisfaction
(Dinham & Scott, 1998, 2000). Teachers with the strongest motivation,
desires and expectations, are least happy with their teaching jobs when the
environment does not facilitate satisfaction of their needs.
The more
difficult and demanding the system, the more dissatisfied teachers become. Overemphasis
on standards and evaluation, lack of
participation in decision-making, lack of essential instructional resources,
lack of administrative support, and lack of trust in professional expertise of
teachers seem to increase the degree of teacher dissatisfaction (Ford, et al.,
2017; Hewitt, 2015; Holloway & Bass, 2017; Ingersoll, Merrill & May,
2016; Jiang, Sporte & Luppescu, 2015). Educational policies are part of the
teaching context and therefore, may determine teachers’ motivation,
demotivation, satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Very few studies, however, study
the impact of educational policies on teachers’ motivation and satisfaction.
The studies on
teacher motivation and satisfaction reviewed above were invariably quantitative
in nature. To acquire a deeper understanding, this study resorted to qualitative
inquiry and examined EFL teachers’ motivation to teach under the federal
English language program and satisfaction with their working conditions.
This study adopted
a phenomenological approach. The primary
objective of a phenomenological study is to understand how a phenomenon appears
to a particular group of persons, based on their personal views and experience (Creswell,
2013). This epistemological perspective assumes that human experience is
complex, has meaning, and is grounded in the world (Mason, 2002).
Phenomenological researchers are more interested in describing a phenomenon
from the way people experience it, than from some theoretical standpoint. To focus
solely on the experiences of the participants, researchers bracket themselves
out of the study by identifying and setting aside personal experiences with the
phenomena under study.
The first
elementary school EFL teacher contacted was a master’s degree student of the
researcher. Then, snowball sampling was used (Patton, 2002). Sampling ceased
when saturation was reached in the first round of interviews (Saunders, et al.,
2018). Both urban and rural schools were represented in the sample.
Following the
systematic procedure proposed by Creswell (2013), for conducting
phenomenological research, three in-depth face-to-face interviews were
conducted with six teachers. Three newspaper articles related to EFL teachers’
labor conditions were also analyzed.
Interviews were
semi structured, focused on eliciting the participants’ teaching motivation and
satisfaction, and on their views about English language education policies.
The researcher
sent by email de interview protocol to the participants two days in advance and
asked them to write notes to serve as cues during the interviews. Protocols included
a description of the purpose of the research, the process to be followed by the
researcher, confidentiality and consent issues, five interview questions,
follow up probes to help participants expand on their answers and a final thank
you statement. The interview questions were pilot tested before the study with
a small group of EFL teachers taking a master´s degree program.
Considering that
interview sites provide material space for enactment and constitution of power
relations (Elwood & Martin, 2000), participants were given two locations to
choose for the interviews to take place: a classroom in a teachers’ college and
a local restaurant. EFL teachers generally do not have a classroom that they
can count on because they work for short periods of time in the classrooms
where students take the elementary education curriculum. The teachers’ college is
located out of the city limits and this might have discouraged teachers to
select it as a place for the interviews. All participants selected the
restaurant. During the interviews, the researcher entered into dialogue with teachers
to gather information, review information for clarity and intent, and check for
accuracy of interpretation. Interviews were recorded with authorization of
informants. Interviews lasted one hour and a half, on average, and they were
held in a time period of six months. After finishing each interview, recordings
were transcribed and statements were coded and categories established.
Following Creswell (2013), data analysis moved from reducing the information to
significant statements or quotes (horizontalization), to combining the statements
into themes (clusters of meaning). The significant statements and themes are
used to write a description of the participants’ views and experiences
(textural description).
Participants were
all female basic education EFL teachers, with ages that ranged from 24 to 38
years. They had from three to eight years of teaching experience. They had BA
degrees in applied linguistics, international relations, administration, and
tourism. Two of them were studying a master’s degree in Educational Research.
As to their English proficiency, their self-reported levels were as
follows: one had A1, two had A2, one had
B2 and one had C1, according to the Common European Framework for Languages.
Two teachers had taken module one of the Teaching Knowledge Test; the other
three did not have a teaching certification. They were concurrently working in
different schools with children of different grades.
How motivated
are elementary EFL teachers?
All teachers
were asked to describe the types of situations that motivated them and those
that demotivated them of the teaching profession. Their responses revolved
around the following themes: teaching, students, schools, colleagues, and the
Two of the
teachers expressed that they had always wanted to be teachers because they were
inspired by their own teachers and family members who were teachers. The other
three somehow found themselves being teachers and said they enjoyed the
profession. In general, teachers felt called to teach and took pride in
watching students learn English. Only one of them revealed that after two years
of teaching, she was looking some other job and was “in transit” in the
All teachers referred
to teaching as a stressful profession. They acknowledged feeling anxious about
workload, teacher examination demands, lack of knowledge on aspects of
ELT, dealing
with unmotivated students, and feeling undervalued as English teachers. One of
the teachers expressed: “Sometimes I feel so bad, I can hardly show up to
school. I give my students something to work on their own, while I catch up
with paper work in class”. Another one stated: “I feel so tired after work,
that I cannot go back to it at home. I tend to block-out everything that has to
do with teaching once I finish school, everyday”.
One of the
useful, however difficult issues teachers deal with is taking English
proficiency and English teaching methods examinations that are constantly due.
It seems it is an eternal burden that keeps them enslaved. This is the comment
of a dedicated teacher:
I had the IELTS,
but it was due last June, I have to book myself to take it again. My TOEFL-IBT
was due last year. I took the Oxford online placement test and I got a C2 and
then the TOEIC and also got C2. I took the test for module 1, band 4 of the TKT
and I am taking a course to take modules 2, 3, and 4 to take the test in
Teachers perceived
that with time ELT was losing prestige. It seems that they valued their profession
and felt helpless against the attacks by some sectors of society. One of the
teachers resented the fact that teachers were blamed for the poor abilities of
students to speak English and criticized on the grounds of their supposedly low
level of English proficiency. She
mentioned a local newspaper had published that 60 % of English language teachers
in public and private schools lacked the necessary academic skills, affecting
students’ learning (Hernández, 2018). It was the comment of the coordinator of
a bilingual education program at a pedagogical university who was announcing
the opening of courses. The teacher expressed her disappointment by the way a
person, who most probably did not speak English, discredited English teachers
in an attempt to sell his program.
Students. Students were perceived by teachers either as a
source of enthusiasm, or as a cause of emotional tension. A motivated teacher
declared: “It is so beautiful when students make you feel that planning and preparing
materials is worthwhile. Nothing is more rewarding than watching my students enjoy
my class”. Contrastingly, another teacher affirmed: “There is a group of kids
in one of my classes who hate English. I cannot force them to learn. That I
cannot do. They will never learn it and I am aware they probably will not need
it anyway. I wish English was not mandatory for all children”.
Schools. Some schools demotivated teachers because their
facilities were inadequate. One of the teachers complained: “One of the schools
I go to is incredibly poor. I feel so depressed. Kids are so kind, it would be super
to have computers and Internet. Classes would be much more fun”. Another comment
related to school deficiencies was: “It’s hard to keep the class going in the
middle of September, when is so hot and students are sweaty and annoyed. No air
conditioning and no water. We have to take our own water to school, and it gets
hot too!” Others talked about their experiences in schools located in
problematic neighborhoods of the city. Teachers said they felt demotivated when
they were assigned to schools in challenging contexts. In such schools apathy,
poverty, absenteeism, drug abuse and disrespect for teachers, is common.
Teachers informed that they had experienced awkward situations not only with
undisciplined students, but also with parents’ and even with school principals.
They could not disclose in detailed manner those experiences, however they referred
to the situations as violent and scary.
Colleagues. Teachers seemed to esteem their co-workers. When
talking about their colleagues, they used the words: friendly, solidarity, companionship,
helpful, support, kindness, understanding, good relationship, sincere, thankful,
appreciation and sharing. Teachers appeared to have strong and healthy
collegial relationships.
The curriculum. Some contents in the curriculum are of a higher
complexity that student can deal with in a foreign language, as expressed by
the teachers. They said that they did their best to cover the topics in the
syllabus and complained that materials helped little or did not help at all.
Their greatest concern were the books provided by education authorities, which
came from 11 book publishing companies.
Within a single classroom, students were given books from two or three
different companies (Macmillan Publishers, Pearson Education, Richmond
Publishing, Santillana, Trillas, University of Dayton Publishing, Ediciones SM,
Fernández Editores, Editorial Esfinge, Heinle, Cengage Learning). According to
what teachers reported, students and teachers were given books form a different
series every year, jeopardizing students’ learning and teachers’ work.
How satisfied
are elementary EFL teachers?
The themes
related to teacher satisfaction that emerged from the interviews with
elementary school EFL teachers were: working conditions, the status of the
profession, and professional development opportunities.
Working conditions. EFL teachers
went through difficult working conditions on at least three grounds. First,
they lacked the basic element that teachers need to “feel like a teacher”: her
own classroom. One of the teachers reported that she visited classrooms in five
different schools during the week, one visited four schools and three teachers
visited three schools to do her job.
Second, they were responsible for more than a hundred students who did
not receive the sustained exposure to English language that would help them develop
between English language competency of students and curriculum demands was
frustrating for teachers. Third, teachers said they had to tolerate the
perception of teaching a “less important” class. These stressful circumstances
in which teachers found themselves, at times made them think in leaving the profession.
One of the teachers shared her reflections:
When I get
anxious, I think about finding another job. Then I think, how can I leave my
job? All I know is teaching, and I love English so much. Being an English
teacher is very stressing. The working conditions of teachers affect student
achievement and academic growth. Students would definitively benefit if EFL
teachers were given respect for their work, participation in curriculum
decisions and a trusting teaching environment.
The status of the profession. The expression status refers to the level of appreciation
of teachers’ work and competence to perform such work. Status is a complex, multifaceted
concept impacted by multiple factors that come from society, the government,
the education system, schools and teachers themselves. Teachers in this study
claimed that EFL teaching had lost some of its status in the last few years due
to the lack of job security, benefits required by law and decent wages.
Two of them
reported mixed feelings about how some newspapers referred to EFL teaching professionals.
The researcher made an Internet search and found a newspaper article that belittled
their work (Quintero,
following is the translation of an excerpt of the article:
Teachers are not
interested in the English program. According to the Teaching Professional
Service in the state, only six teachers responded to the call for teaching positions
in the present school period, and three of them resigned, therefore, there is a
shortage of teachers for that subject…the Secretariat of Public Education
mandates the teaching of English and does not supervise that teachers have the
necessary knowledge… Poor teacher preparation has caused students to make fun
of teachers. Educational authorities have reported that students that make fun
of teachers have been punished. Videogames, cartoons and music have helped
students learn English beyond the level of proficiency of teachers. In addition
to this, no one wants to teach this language.
The teachers
expressed that the media sometimes reported against them and sometimes in their
support. Another publication voiced the demands that teachers referred to
during the interviews (Peña-Rojas, 2018).
The following is
a translated excerpt:
claimed that they practically do not exist as teachers because they do not have
pension, medical services, bonuses, and other benefits as other members of trade
unions. It is absurd that they are not given the benefits they are entitled to,
since English language learning is mandatory in all elementary schools in the
country, an important language world-wide and in the border with USA.
Teachers seemed
disconcerted and at times irritated by the ambiguous position given to EFL
teachers by educational authorities that demand a high level of English
language proficiency in all students and do nothing to dignify the status of
ELT professionals. Professional development opportunities. Teachers reported
that they never had access to formal induction to the program nor they had ever
participated in a mentoring program. They had never received feedback on their
teaching. It was particularly striking that those teachers who studied non-teaching
undergraduate programs never completed a teacher education or training program.
Once a year, they are invited to a series of conferences given by speakers from
other countries who are unconnected to the National English Language Program.
Online courses
and programs seemed as the only option for continuing professional development,
according to the teachers’ views. They lamented the high cost of British language
and teaching certifications and the of local options and time for teacher development
activities. Teachers revealed that they did not have any opportunities to
gather collegially to discuss English language teaching issues. The basic
education reform established the School Technical Councils (STC) in 2013,
formed by teachers and school leaders to identify the challenges that schools
have to face to achieve students’ learning.
In theory, English language teachers participate in these assemblies,
once a month. The teachers interviewed considered that their participation was
limited because of their sporadic attendance in schools and the resulting
superficial knowledge of the functioning of the multiple schools they visited every
day. Furthermore, teachers argued that the STC were not designed to incorporate
English language teachers. Schools have
a variable number of English teachers or no English teachers at all and issues
specific to the field could hardly be of interest to the rest of the teachers.
about English language teaching have grown rapidly in the last decade. From a few private schools that hired English
language teachers, the whole public education system is in the process of
recruiting professionals to boost bilingual education. The Secretariat of
Public Education officially proclaimed this year that in 20 years, all students
in Mexico will be bilingual. This policy will certainly impact the English
teaching profession. The questions that arise are: how prepared are teachers to
cope with this challenging plan? How motivated and satisfied are English
language teachers to start off?
Results of this
study agreed with previous findings in many grounds. Although some EFL teachers
found inspiration in students and had good collegial relationships, they viewed
their job as stressful. They seemed demotivated by poor school facilities
(Iliya & Ifeoma, 2015) and lack of materials that supported the curriculum
(Habibi, Sofwan & Mikminin, 2016; Kumazawa, 2013). Wages, job security and benefits did not
correspond with that they expected and needed (Gao & Xu, 2014), and they
perceived that their profession was not always valued by the wider community
(Hettiarachchi, 2013).
The EFL teachers
that participated in this study were dissatisfied with having to spend much of
their time going from one school to the next, without a classroom of their
own. The aspired to have respect for the
subject they taught and the support from the educational system to implement
the necessary curriculum changes (Zembylas & Papanastasiou, 2004).They
expressed their need for local, affordable and meaningful professional development
Motivation and
satisfaction of elementary school English teachers appear to be impacted by National
English language program because instead of acknowledging the professional judgement
and abilities of teachers to design their own teaching materials, it protect
the interests of large private corporations such as the book publishing companies.
The irrational purchase and distribution of books in public schools is a waste
of money in times of financial scarcity for the public sector. Also, new
strategies for professional development need to be devised and implemented, so
that basic and higher education learn from each other and collaborate in the
promotion of academic impendence from English speaking countries. Any understanding
of the motivations to teach and to learn English has to deal with relations of
power and the roles that English plays in relation to the economy.
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[1]Fecha de recepción: 05 de octubre de 2018 /Fecha de aceptación: de 19 octubre de 2018 /Autor para correspondencia: Autónoma de Tamaulipas /Dirección: Centro Universitario Victoria,“ Lic. Adolfo López
Mateos”, Ciudad Victoria Tamaulipas, México, C.P. 871491.