About walls and bridges

clandestine students in the Trump era


  • Marco Navarro Leal




migrations, illegal migrants, dreamers.


With the purpose of gaining an approximation to a reflexive evaluation on the measures that the Mexican federal government implemented to attend the repatriation of undocumented migrants from the United States, in the context of the xenophobic measures of President Donald Trump, a review of theoretical approaches that seek to explain migration allows to explore its dimensions, especially in regard to minors and students with unauthorized stay, to proceed with the assessment of the last reforms made to the General Education Law and its impact  on  higher  education. 



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How to Cite

Navarro Leal, M. (2018). About walls and bridges: clandestine students in the Trump era. EDUCIENCIA, 3(2), 06–13. https://doi.org/10.29059/educiencia.v3i2.100