Diagnosis of didactic planning carried out by teacher trainees: intervention to improve it.


  • María Rosa Alfonso García.
  • Alma Rosa Lydia Lozano González




Planning, degree programs, diagnosis, intervention


Within the research problem boundaries related to the need for refining didactic planning developed by students specializing in Geography and History at the teacher trainees school, the following objectives are proposed: to assess their perceptions of didactic planning, analyze their current situation, and model and provide a pedagogical intervention in this regard. The method followed a qualitative design with a descriptive phenomenological approach, diagnosing the current state of planning among seventh-semester students at the Escuela Normal Superior de Monterrey. A focus group, completion of sentences, and structured and global observation were employed, exploring their conceptions about planning and how they plan. Subsequently, intervention actions were carried out through two workshops to socialize the diagnosis made and encourage joint constructions on how to improve this teaching performance. The result of the preliminary diagnosis revealed that teacher trainees were satisfied with the 1999 curriculum they were studying, had adequate knowledge about the importance of planning, and accepted this process in the declarative realm. However, when planning their classes, they did not model all the components of the curriculum, highlighting deficiencies in the evaluative component and in learning activities. The conducted workshops were well-received by the future teachers, who reported an enrichment of their reference framework regarding didactic planning.


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How to Cite

Alfonso García. , M. R. ., & Lozano González, A. R. L. . (2023). Diagnosis of didactic planning carried out by teacher trainees: intervention to improve it. EDUCIENCIA, 8(1), 25–39. https://doi.org/10.29059/educiencia.v8i1.238


