Entrepreneurial culture and entrepreneurial intention in university students. Empirical analysis in a Mexican university


  • David Josué Ortíz González
  • Julio César Castañón Rodríguez




entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial culture, university students


This study examines the relationship between university
entrepreneurial culture and entrepreneurial
intention among students at a university in Tamaulipas,
Mexico, a key topic for fostering economic and
social development. Using a quantitative approach,
a survey was administered to 334 students, and
the results indicate a statistically significant but weak relationship between the variables studied. This finding suggests the presence of other relevant factors in the decision to start a business, such as Self-efficacy, family support, and the economic environment.
The results highlight the need to redesign educational strategies to strengthen their impact on promoting entrepreneurship in universities.


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How to Cite

Ortíz González, D. J., & Castañón Rodríguez, J. C. (2024). Entrepreneurial culture and entrepreneurial intention in university students. Empirical analysis in a Mexican university. EDUCIENCIA, 10(1), 52–59. https://doi.org/10.29059/educiencia.v10i1.288




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