The relevance of the institutional strategic plan in elementary school


  • Angélica Leticia Shiels Salvador Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas



Strategic Planning, school management, school organization, principal


Currently, elementary education faces different challenges to improve quality, from the process of school management to task of teachers inside the classroom. Nevertheless one of the most important elements to teachers and principal’s work is the role that the process of planning plays, to get the concept, tipology and what to do in educational context will improve the changing process that are required in schools. It is everyone´s responsibility to participate and join teachers to choose and plan the actions that will improve in the short and long term, but is the educational leadership who will guide and stablish the organization of the institutional strategic plan based in the priorities and needs of its context.


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How to Cite

Shiels Salvador, A. L. . (2022). The relevance of the institutional strategic plan in elementary school. EDUCIENCIA, 7(2), 45–52.


