Analysis of the Mexican educational system from the perspective of complexity.
synthetic analysis, structure, functionalityAbstract
In this work, the Mexican Educational System is analyzed through synthetic microanalysis (Auyang, 1999), an approach that uses systemic decomposition to identify the components of the system and their interaction, which facilitates recognizing the structure of the educational system and the emerging properties of the product. of their interaction. The same synthetic analysis uses the systemic composition to identify the functionality of the system through the objectives and functions of its hierarchical levels, showing the conditions that are required to meet them. With the development of systemic decomposition analysis, it was possible to identify fourteen components that make up the national educational system, at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. With the development of the systemic composition, the objectives of the system were identified for each hierarchical level. With the development of both analyzes two systemic elements were observed: the objectives and functions whose achievement defines the current state of the system and the emerging results that appear in the system as a synergy of a set of objectives and functions fulfilled at each hierarchical level of the educational system. ., which offers a first approximation of a model of the educational system with structure and functionality, which can be useful for its evaluation and decision-making.
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