Attitudes towards machismo and perception of new masculinities in higher education students: towards and inclusion agenda.


  • Flor de la Cruz Salaiza Salaiza Lizárraga Tecnológico Nacional de México, campus Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Lago de Chapala 1277, Col. Las Quintas. C.P. 80060. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México.
  • Ivette Armandina Joya Hunton Tecnológico Nacional de México, campus Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Calle Rafael Buelna No. 668 Pte. C.P.80000. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México.
  • Carmen Guadalupe López Varela Tecnológico Nacional de México, campus Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Santa Esperanza 1021, Fraccionamiento Cumbres. C.P. 80029. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México.



sexism, new masculinities, social role


Gender violence is a widespread problem in the country that requires greater understanding. The objective of this study was to evaluate the factors that influence the formation and modification of attitudes towards sexism, the level of sexism and new masculinities in higher education students. Methodologically, a descriptive statistical analysis was carried out on the responses of the Sexism Behavior Scale and the Perception of Positive Attitudes of Masculinities for Complex Environments. The informants were mostly local (78.5%); 71.5% from traditional families (mother, father and children); the father is the main provider (59.8%); 48.2% of mothers do housework. Regarding age, a third of the parents are between 46 and 50 years old; In terms of education, 36.1% of fathers and 39.9% of mothers have completed a bachelor’s degree. The main findings were that sexist attitudes are present in students of any sex. Higher averages of sexist behavior were obtained in women than in men. There were significant differences between men and women. Women also had a greater perception of the new masculinities. These results are valuable for new research in educational, social and gender planning.


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How to Cite

Salaiza Lizárraga, F. de la C. S. ., Joya Hunton, I. A. ., & López Varela, C. G. (2024). Attitudes towards machismo and perception of new masculinities in higher education students: towards and inclusion agenda. EDUCIENCIA, 9(1), 28–44.




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